ok well im trying to get coadmins n what not on this blog i got carnage(
Surfinonit!) already on board if you feel you could help or would like to join the team holla at me (chrisdotrivera@yahoo.com)
ummm this site is dedicated to post updates and new tracks\tapes from demevolist and along the way if we can get a strong enough crowd even get them to reunite ..
and i didnt want to clutter up my other blog WhereisCHarlesHamilton.blogspot.com
with Demevolist tapes and info
UMMMM besides that just tell every1 to join
and get the word out...
theres a list of demev artists and there discography's of whats released ======?=====>
ummm just expect nothing and in return you will get more then you expected HA
might drop this show tape soon
same with this nate tape...
200n8 is tuff idk if it got scrapped or what...
and support the artists.........